Kuching - Sarawak, Malaysia (Borneo)

Kuching City
Described as one of the most attractive cities in Southeast Asia, Kuching is the state capital of Sarawak, Malaysia. It’s a city rich in history and modern structures.  Kuching is a fascinating mix of modern and old world charm. Sarawak River divided Kuching into two; in the South Kuching with commercial and residential area, dominated by ethnic Chinese, while North Kuching is predominantly Malay in character, with traditional village houses lining the river. Both parts of the city are different in character with Mayor of South Kuching and Mayor of North Kuching and each with their own town hall.  Kuching is known that the most dense city in the whole of Sarawak in Malaysia.

History of Kuching
Kuching was founded in 1827.  Ruled by the Sultanate of Brunei back almost 200 years and took over by James Brooke.  He crowned himself as the Rajah Putih (The White King).  Brookes ruled in Kuching for three generations and made a lot of changes in development of Kuching.  Astana Palace which is a famous tourist spot was once the Residence of the Brooke Dynasty. During the reign of James Brooke, piracy is illegal, and the whole is bound to comply with certain laws. In 1868, when Charles Brooke took the throne, he has given great attention to the upgrading of the city. The new building was built and renovated sewers.  Old shops have been transformed into a brick building. The incidence of major fire damaged the entire city and to jump out of the ashes in the kingdom James Brooke. It can be said that only during the reign of James Brooke, Kuching developed from the ruins of a big city.  Although Japan occupied this place, Kuching ruled by the Brooke family. Since December 1941, the city was handed over to the Japanese. British Commonwealth invaded Kuching in 1946 and finally gained independence in 1963.

Peoples of Kuching
Kuching is associated with people and they welcome tourists.  As a multi-cultural city in Malaysia, Kuching has all kinds of people . There are mix of different religions and languages ​​in this wonderful city.  Just as the Chinese people most in terms of Hokkien and Hakka , the same way the Malays speak the national language . Brokes (then British) introduced English as the language  and most of the Kuching people understand English . India comprises Tamil , Punjabi and Sikh available in Kuching. In addition, Kuching is a home of the native of Sarawak namely Iban and  Bidayuh. All in all, Kuching offers you a mixture of different cultures.

Weather in Kuching
Kuching is bright and sunny, except for the peak of monsoon season in February.  Kuching gets a lot of rain almost all year round.  Kuching receive the maximum amount of rain in July and still relatively dry.  Although it is a quiet, urban storm occurred from time to time.

Others areas in Kuching
Just like other cities, Kuching also divided into several areas. They are Kota Sentosa, BDC, Tabuan Jaya, Batu Kawah,  Satok and Petra Jaya.   Other areas such as Padawan is a small town Bidayuh villages and longhouses.  In Kota Sentosa, will come in a number of shops and malls, while in Matang, you will see a huge crater, known Gunung  (Mount) Serapi.  Padungan has the Kuching oldest commercial space which is also known as China Town of Kuching.  Tourists can also enjoy the nightlife here. It's like the heart of Kuching city with several five star hotels.

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